Day 20 - Sunday - June 15 - Creek across from Northness Point to Oona River

Heading north up Grenville Channel.

Amazingly, the wind calmed down overnight and I woke up to smooth seas, and a partly cloudy sky set in a field of blue. I launched at 7:20am and headed off toward the northern end of Grenville Channel and today’s destination, Oona River. Off in the distance I could see the shapes of Porcher, Kennedy, Marrack, and Gibson Islands come into view. By 11:25am, I was rounding Pitt Point and by 12:40pm, I had reached Rippon Point and the junction with Ogden Channel. The long narrow passages of Princess Royal and Grenville Channels were now behind me and I was out in open water again for the first time in ten days.

Kennedy, Marrack and Gibson Islands come into view at the end of Grenville Channel.

I started out across Ogden Channel from Rippon Point and headed 3 miles straight across to Oona River, arriving there at 1:20pm. I knew there were a couple of bed and breakfasts in Oona River from research I had done before the trip. I had copied down the phone numbers and had them along with my cell phone in my deck pack. When I pulled into the harbor the tide was high and I was able to paddle past the dock and up the Oona River itself for a half mile. I was hoping that I could spot one of the B&B’s from the water and maybe paddle up to it. That plan did not work so I paddled back to the dock with another idea. Luckily, my cell phone worked so I called one of the B&B’s, Lemon Acres Bed and Breakfast Retreat. Mike Lemon answered and informed me that he had room available and within a few minutes was down at the dock to pick me up and drive me to his place. I retrieved a few things I needed for the night and secured everything else inside the kayak that I had pulled up on the dock.

Looking north up Telegraph Passage.

Mike could not have been any nicer and what a neat house he has. There is a big den looking out across the Oona River valley and all the little homesteads in the area. He has a big vegetable garden and yard with chickens running around. The neighborhood also offered some great photo opportunities of quaint homes and old cars. The guest bedroom is beautifully decorated in an Early American style, and sleeping in the big soft queen sized bed after almost two weeks of camping was wonderful. After taking a shower and washing my clothes, I had dinner with Mike and then we sat up talking and drinking coffee until 9pm. If you plan on stopping in Oona River for the night, Mike Lemon can be reached at 250-628-6808.

Lemon Acres B&B in Oona River.